Shame and Aging
Healing the Shame of Aging in a Society that Worships Youth

We all go through it. No one is immune. And nothing produces more universal shame in our society than aging. And it starts when we have barely begun to enjoy our adulthood. By mid-thirties, we are already beginning to experience the changes.

Whereas many societies have deep respect for people as they age and see a vital role for elders, our society still worships youth. What are we to do as we face the natural progression of losing muscle tone, hair, short term memory and many other physical and mental functions in a society that sees us as lacking if we’re not forever young? Shame is the feeling that “something is wrong with me.” How can we not feel that something is wrong with us as we undergo all these losses in the face of an indifferent and shaming society?

In this workshop, we will explore and learn how to be more comfortable with our own aging process. And we will look at ways to help clients talk about, explore, and heal their own shame around aging.

We will:

  • Discover ways to help clients become aware of the many messages they received and continue to receive about aging and body image from family and society.

  • Learn ways to help clients cope with the shame of not being able to do all that they once did.

  • Understand counter-shaming techniques to help ourselves and our clients find pride and joy in the new reality — seeing that there are real gains as well as losses in this new stage of life.

  • Work with the shame that can cause and result from sicknesses and injuries.

  • Identify challenges in being looked at as unimportant and “not up to par” by a youth-oriented society and the layers of shame that can occur.

  • Discover how to make the necessary adjustments so we can regain access to the life force and creativity that we still have in a grounded and embodied way.

  • Begin to shift and transform cultural stereotypes about aging by finding a reservoir of vitality, inner vision and clear action for the next phase of life, which may be hidden under shame.

Learning Objectives

Participants will be able to:

Course Level: Beginning

There is no prerequisite for this course. It can be taken by itself or as part of a sequence.

CE credits are available only for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs and LEPs in California – CAMFT Approved CE Provider #134393

This workshop is offered in the following formats:

  • Live, interactive workshop on Zoom in 2-day or 4-day format

  • Live, in-person, 2-day workshop (Note: Live, in-person workshops are currently suspended due to Covid-19.)

For a basic course agenda, click here. (Those registering will receive a full course agenda prior to the workshop.)

The Center for Healing Shame is approved by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists to sponsor continuing education for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs and LEPs in California – CAMFT-approved CE provider #134393. Courses meet the qualifications for 13 hours of continuing education credit for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs and LEPs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences. 

The Center for Healing Shame maintains responsibility for this program/course and its content.


We do not offer refunds. The amount paid can be applied toward a future workshop within 12 months. Registrations are not transferable.


The Center for Healing Shame welcomes people who have disabilities. Our training location is wheelchair accessible. Please contact us to discuss your specific needs.


The Center for Healing Shame seeks to ensure equitable treatment of every person and to make every attempt to resolve grievances in a fair manner.

If you have a grievance, please include your name and contact information and submit it in writing to Sheila Rubin (

Grievances will receive, to the best of our ability, corrective action in order to prevent further problems.